Content Designs

How many design images can I store on my Ripple Maker?

You can store unlimited designs on the Ripple Maker, but as any device it might slow down your selection process

How often new designs get added to my Ripple Maker’s content feed?

With an active service plan, new Ripples designs are added several times a month and incorporate upcoming holidays, global events and trends. Check out our blog and Instagram feed for updates regarding newly released design collections.

How many designs are included in the Ripples content feed?

With an active service plan, you will receive our content feed regularly with fresh, relevant content. At any given time you’ll find several dozen designs on our various channels, including trending or seasonal content, and popular collections. You can also save your favorite Ripples to a separate personal folder to ensure continuous access.

Can I add my own content to the Ripple Maker?

Yes. Using the Ripples Mobile Cloud from your mobile phone or the Ripples Cloud on your desktop computer, you can save your own designs on the Ripple Maker. Our customers often feature their own logos, branded content, special promotions, and fun greetings

How does the Ripple Maker receive content from my customers?

Using the Ripples WebApp, customers can submit content files  from their phones, including photos and personalized Ripples designs that can be edited within the WebApp. Once they submit a design, it gets added to a special mobile queue for your team to review, select, and print. These designs are deleted shortly after printing for privacy purposes.

What is the Ripples WebApp?

The Ripples WebApp is free of charge and can be accessed by scanning a dedicated QR Code. This QR Code can be downloaded directly from your Ripples Cloud account. Using the WebApp , customers and staff can send special designs, photos, and messages to the Ripple Maker. Each submission gets a unique ID number so you know which design to serve to which customer.

Is content submitted by customers saved on my Ripple Maker?

Content sent by customers through the Ripples WebApp is automatically deleted 30 minutes after it is printed.